Have you ever wondered where our name ‘the halley’ came from?

Article written by
March 25, 2021

Sir Edmond Halley was an English astronomer who was born in 1656 and is one of the UK’s most renowned astronomers. He identified the famous ‘Halley Comet’ in 1686, a comet which passes over the Earth every 75 years and is the only comet that is regularly visible to the naked human eye.

Halley was born and raised in Haggerston, the home of the halley. Halley was a man, living in a small corner of East London staring at the sky and wondering the infinite possibilities of the great beyond and what celestial beings he may discover. We love this as a story for the halley space. We see it as a metaphor for our community, with our space acting as a catalyst for amazing discoveries, collaborations and achievements.

The more eagle-eyed member may have spotted a few Easter Eggs around the space nodding to our namesake. Our wifi code includes the next year the halley comet will pass over Earth and our meeting rooms are named after other astronomical terms ‘Orbit’ and ‘Nova’. We also referenced Halley’s career as an astronomer when designing the halley logo. The dots around our logo reference points on a compass and the concept has its routes in the orbiting planets and the stars, as do the fragment shapes of the logo.

Have you seen any other references to our name in the space?

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